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We are overcome by romantic sentimentality as soon as we look at the evening sky outside the city and are confronted with how tiny and ephemeral we are in relation to the supposedly infinite universe. At the end, while the dances seem more and more like the rites of an ancient tribe, the fog conquers the stage. Das Gestell , A House in Ninh Hoa , Fictitious Force , Szenario , Destination Finale Father and sister died in a landslide. Fr, Their movements are repetitive, cyclical, as if they were trying to exhaust all coherence.
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Mania D - Stille Nacht Goes Disco Pilocka Krach - Gitarre Spielen Gudrun Gut - Garten Judith Holofernes - Der Letzte Optimist Einstürzende. Silent. Fédération Française d'Athlétisme. Samen met deze dertien topmuzikanten hebben Natuurlijk zijn we de andere dagen bereikbaar voor het huren van materiaal voor je nieuwjaarsfeest. Goes.For a moment, we get very close to them, and that was, for me, the most important moment of the piece. Paysage d'Hiver - Welt aus Eis Nein. An atmosphere in which the bodies of the performers were present in an almost fragmented way, as injured, but also vulnerable and fragile, disfigured, organic structures, which appeared to be deconstructed and distorted at the same time. Ah, if only you could! Mirelle Borra creates a digital collage of user-generated stock footage from the internet. In this scenario, Stuart and Camacho — who met 35 years ago in New York, have been friends ever since and have worked together time and again — unearth emotional artifacts as if they were archaeological treasures. Purple Schulz - Kleine Seen Despite the reassurance this list of credentials provides, it is worth noting that big names do not guarantee anything. All explore the potentialities offered by this strange world. Wat je ziet en hoort, is vaak onleesbaar. Het is de software die ons voor uitdagingen zal stellen. This can also be read as an attempt to finally find the Now. Der Titelsong ist da eher ein Platzhalter. Dit is een beangstigend moment, maar ik vind wel dat we het moeten proberen. Oh, by the way: this evening the audience are sitting in the rain. Noem het een vorm van kosmische troost. And Meg Stuart has always known how to attract strong personalities. Kante - Ituri Geen idee. EN : Meg Stuart is accompanied by the light artist Emese Csornai, who takes care of a very constant change in lighting, which captures the dancer and the two musicians on stage sometimes in widespread or warm light, sometimes in defined, cool beams of light. They can compare their own ideas of intimacy and mutual success with a performance in which two exceptional artists have remained completely wrapped up in themselves and away from us. An impressive, frightening carnival procession leads us into the night in flickering light. Are we looking at a ritual community? Teilen Kontakt: Contact: Achille Bocquier Regie: Director: Achille Bocquier Original script: Original script: Achille Bocquier Sale Agent: Sale Agent: Marie-Anne Campos Produzent:in: Producer: Anne Luthaud Editing: Editing: Tomas Cali Film score composer: Film score composer: Louis Vabres Sound Editing: Sound Editing: Louis Vabres Sound Mixing: Sound Mixing: Matthieu Fraticelli Special Effects: Special Effects: Ellis Laurens. Though you expect everything to be over, one of the dancers starts a tearful speech, accompanied by a sunset projected onto the scenery and sentimental music. Plots had ik vierkante meter ter beschikking. But within this stimulus satiation, it manages to keep its urgency concerning the current situation of the world, talking about misuse of power, war, scarcity of resources, and climate catastrophes. Stuart and Camacho work together seamlessly. Despite their simplicity, even the changes in position are characterized by their dance-like quality, as they respond to the music in unpredictable ways. The two artists work through their relationship experiences in a lyrical and direct way, creating a versatile, connectable space for identification. One tells the other about a date she had. In her book "Using the Sky: A Dance" Deborah Hay, one of the most important actors of the experimental Judson Dance Theater in the 60s in New York, describes the perception of time and space and how it is visualized in the body.