To browse Academia. This second part of the article deals with the communist takeover of " Jugoslavija, " the umbrella organization of Yugoslav students in Prague, in Following their ultimate victory over the monarchists, they continued their agitation in the student dormitory, drawing in large numbers of new communist organizers and sympathizers. Soon after, however, they departed for Spain to fight in the Civil War, after which their organization Ao Nutten Lea Grundig Str ceased to exist. Those who survived World War II went on to become the political elite of Ao Nutten Lea Grundig Str new socialist state. Their subsequent writings reveal the impact of their activity in Prague on their later political and intellectual development. They show that, even though the communist students rarely questioned the tenets of Stalinism beforethe experience of working in a pluralist left-wing environment, as well as within an internationalist and pan-Yugoslav frameworkhad been an influence on their postwar efforts aimed at reforming socialism and creating a system different than the one centered in Moscow. Drawing primarily on sources from the National Archive in Prague and the Archive of Yugoslavia in Belgrade, as well as memoirs of the movement's participants, this paper attempts to retrace their political activities and intellectual development through a period in which Comintern policy changed frequently, forcing the young communists to adapt to a constantly changing political climate. The first part of the article examines their attempts to take over the legal organizations of Yugoslav students in Prague, as well as their cooperation with the non-communist left which occurred in spite of Comintern's ultra-left policies in the period between and This twofold strategy helped them to ultimately gain the upper hand in their frequent confrontations with the representatives of the Yugoslav Legation in Prague. Classics and Communism: Greek and Latin behind the Iron Curtain, The political atmosphere in Yugoslavia was defined by a certain differentia specifica. While other Central and Eastern European countries needed some gentle persuasion from the side of the Red Army before opting for a one-party police state, Yugoslavia — alongside Albania and the Soviet Union — was one of the few European countries where the system was for the most part indigenous from the beginning to the very end. This is not to suggest there were no models; Yugoslavia was certainly parroting the experiment of the Soviet Union and was in fact considered to be its fastest pupil, initially despising the slow pace of changes in the rest of the Eastern bloc. This paper analyzes the development of the historiography in the former socialist Yugoslavia Starting with the revolutionary changes after the Second World War and the establishment of the «dictatorship of the proletariat», the paper considers the ideological surveillance imposed on historiography entailing its reconceptualization on the Marxist grounds. Despite the existence of common Yugoslav institutions, Yugoslav historiography was constituted by six historiographies focusing their research programs on the history of their own nation, i. Therefore, many joint historiographical projects were either left unfinished or courted controversies between historians over a number of phenomena from the Yugoslav history. Yugoslav historiography emancipated from Marxist dogmatism, and modernized itself following various forms of social history due to a gradual weakening of ideological surveillance from the s onwards. However, the modernization of Yugoslav historiography was carried out only partially because of the growing social and political crises which eventually led to the dissolution of Yugoslavia. RCP's Plans for Establishing a Central Institute for National History, The Normativity of a Nation: A Case Study of Slovene Historians in Early Post-socialism. This paper focuses on an issue many would consider a minor episode in Slovene historiography. A public discussion took place on the pages of Delo, one of the central Slovene newspapers inwhere some of the most prominent Ao Nutten Lea Grundig Str debated the relationship between the nation, politics and history, eventually roughly establishing two different world-views: one connected to past experiences and the other focused on the unknown of the future. Within the framework of conceptual history, this paper tackles the concept of "nation" as it was understood by these debaters themselves, establishing an understanding within the specific historical circumstances to which it belonged, thus historicizing the debate itself. While the question of as a break has generally already been well-researched with regard to politics, economy and memory, much less is known about the connections between the break, historiography and politics. Uncovering more than superficial disagreements within a community of historians, this paper aims not to be solely a contribution to the understanding of nationalism in post-socialism between a small group of people, but rather, to underline the link between a radically different view of the past among professional historians and the establishment of a new political and social order after Some historians involved realized the opportunity to directly channel their views into political and state-related activities, such as a bilateral commission and the educational system. The study is concerned with the development of Slovak historical science in the period - Its institutional and personal development is analysed, together with the methods of control and direction by the communist regime. The main interest is devoted to the problems of applying Marxism to Slovak historiography. The second part of the study consists of an outline of the way Marxist historiography interpreted and evaluated the key periods of Slovak history. Attention is also devoted to the formation of the Marxist periodization of Slovak history. The result was a framework for the Slovak Marxist national story, used in later synthetic works. Master narrative. Marxist historiography. Concept of Czechoslovak history. This article offers a short overview of the published and unpublished sources required for the exploration of the topic of Trotskyism in the postwar Yugoslavia. It highlights the necessity of the utilization of archives in multiple countries in order to grasp the functioning of such a transnational phenomenon as Trotskyism. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link.
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